Newsweek Exclusive: Welcome to Narnia

Newsweek Exclusive: Welcome to Narnia

Newsweek got an exclusive look at a few pictures that Disney released for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. UPDATE: We now have scans of the article with bigger pictures.

Brian Cox No Longer Aslan

Brian Cox No Longer Aslan

The big news of the Biola Media Conference is that Brian Cox is no longer doing the voice of Aslan. UPDATE: We now have a statement from Brian Cox’s publicist regarding his casting.

New Narnia Clip: Chapter III

New Narnia Clip: Chapter III

Along with the release of the new website, the production has released another production featurette, this one entitled Locations and Sets. We have screenshots. UPDATE: We now have direct links to the video, for those of you who had trouble accessing