French Narnia Trailer
The French trailer for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is now online!
The French trailer for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is now online!
The first issue of FLIcK magazine — a free magazine to be distributed at the movie theater box office nationwide...
According to Variety Magazine, Walden Media has acquired the rights to The Dark is Rising Sequence, a fantasy-adventure series by...
Disney has released international versions of the official site in German, French, Italian, Swiss, and Japanese.
Chuck Colson talks about Philip Anschutz, founder of Walden Media, in his Breakpoint column today. The article talks about “lighting...
Take a look at Snow Business Hollywood, the self-proclaimed world leader in artificial snow. This page has information and pictures...
We’ve just received the brand-new Narnia map from the production. Download it today!
USA Today has an extensive article about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in their May 3 issue along with six new pictures.
Disney is poised to release the trailer for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on May 7th and within a 48-hour period reach an estimated 200 million+ viewers in 32 countries, 13 languages, across five continents and spanning over 12 time zones.
Sabrina O’Malone at has posted a very nice interview with Douglas Gresham in which he talks about The Lion,...
Ben Barnes Meets Samuel West (Two Caspians)
16 Oct, 2021