A Fresh Look at the Animated Narnia Movie | Talking Beasts
Is it better than the 2005 movie?
Join Glumpuddle, Rilian, and Gymfan as they continually uncover new meaning in the world of C.S. Lewis and keep a watchful eye on Netflix’s The Chronicles of Narnia news.
“Glumpuddle… I have issues with you.”
Stephen McFeely (Narnia Screenwriter)
Is it better than the 2005 movie?
Discussing The Horse and His Boy, chapters 12-13.
What is a faithful adaptation?
And what would that mean anyway?
Discussing one of the most beloved scenes in The Chronicles of Narnia.
NarniaWeb podcasters answer Narnia trivia questions from listeners!
Video: Should Netflix start from the beginning? Which beginning?
Help us create content for a Narnia trivia game show.
Can you stump a NarniaWebber?
Something fun to chew on while the podcast is on hiatus.