LWW Now Available on iTunes
Both Narnia films can now be downloaded.
According to HollywoodReporter.com, Prince Caspian was the top selling DVD last week when it was released to the American market.
Howard Berger says a few words about the next Narnia film.
So, you think you’ve seen all the Prince Caspian special features?
Animated-Views has posted their third and final interview with Prince Caspian art director Frank Walsh. The article discusses the logistics of building the Beruna Bridge and includes technical diagrams for the rerouting of the river. It’s a fascinating read.
According to HannahMontanaCasting, ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ will begin pre-production soon and the casting directors are accepting photos and resumes from you!
A new clip from the Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray extras as appeared on Narnia.com. The clip is a behind the scenes look at the Treasure Chamber, and includes Douglas Gresham reading an excerpt from the book!
We have a detailed report from Shannon on the Narnia Exhibition that opened in Philadelphia yesterday, November 28. If you are planning on going, be warned this report contains spoilers!
The Prince Caspian DVD and Blu-ray Disc has released in Denmark, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.