Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Update on Cleveland Point Filming

Update on Cleveland Point Filming

We reported a couple days ago that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader filming at Cleveland Point might be delayed. Today, the BaysideBulletin has confirmed this delay. Filming will not begin there until either September 3rd or 7th. For those of you who plan to go and watch, we also have details on parking arrangements.

Mysterious Rigging Added to the Dawn Treader’s Mast

Mysterious Rigging Added to the Dawn Treader’s Mast

Some mysterious structural metal pieces have appeared on the Dawn Treader. We think we know what they are, but it’s definitely worth checking out for yourself.

Ramandu’s Daughter Cast!

Ramandu’s Daughter Cast!

Aslan’s Country is reporting that the role of Ramandu’s Daughter in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has been cast. An Australian actress named Laura Brent will be playing the Star’s Daughter!

Cleveland Point Filming May Be Delayed a Day or Two

Cleveland Point Filming May Be Delayed a Day or Two

The BaysideBulletin is reporting that filming at Cleveland Point, which was scheduled to start on August 31, may be delayed for a few days due to weather issues at the current filming location.

The Dawn Treader Helm

The Dawn Treader Helm

David Jackmanson tweeted this morning that he has another batch of Dawn Treader closeups for everyone to enjoy. This time he’s got detailed pictures of the tail, a good look at the rigging, and the first picture of the helm.

”Under Her Starry Mantle” Blog Has Another Round of Dawn Treader Pics

”Under Her Starry Mantle” Blog Has Another Round of Dawn Treader Pics

AussieAnnie (who writes her Under Her Starry Mantle blog) took a trip to Cleveland Point on August 17th, trekked through the mud, and took dozens of pictures of the Dawn Treader. Some of our forum members are debating that these are the best pictures to date.

Cleveland Point Shooting to Allow Spectators

Cleveland Point Shooting to Allow Spectators

Want to watch The Voyage of the Dawn Treader being filmed? You’re in luck because, as the Bayside Bulletin reports, the production is installing bleachers at Cleveland Point and will be taking donations.