Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Cinesite Wins the VFX Contract for Dawn Treader

Cinesite Wins the VFX Contract for Dawn Treader

Cinesite – a special effects company based in London – has just announced that they have won the primary special effects contract for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Intriguing Detail Revealed about the Dawn Treader Storyline

Intriguing Detail Revealed about the Dawn Treader Storyline

In a recent interview with Examiner’s Carla Hay, Ben Barnes dropped a very intriguing tidbit about the overall The Voyage of the Dawn Treader storyline.

Behind the Scenes of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition

Behind the Scenes of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition

Carolyn Sumners of the Houston Museum of Natural Science gives Narnia fans a behind the scenes look at what goes into making an exhibit like The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibtion a success.

Filming Wraps at Cleveland Point

Filming Wraps at Cleveland Point

Even though filming wrapped at Cleveland Point last week, BaysideBulletin has one final report on it. UPDATE: Watch a video from the final day at Cleveland Point, which shows a glimpse of Caspian’s reaction to the MLG’s jump.

The Mysterious Little… Boy?

The Mysterious Little… Boy? is reporting that the Mysterious Little Girl (Gael) is, in fact, played by a boy. UPDATE: has edited their story to clear up the confusion. Jorel Reynolds is the MLG’s stunt double.

The Future of the Dawn Treader Ship

The Future of the Dawn Treader Ship

Now that filming has completed at Cleveland Point, many are wondering what will become of the gorgeous ship, the Dawn Treader. has a story on it.