Dawn Treader Trailer Screen Caps
We’ve created hi-res screen captures from every scene in the trailer so that you can pore over every minute detail.
We’ve created hi-res screen captures from every scene in the trailer so that you can pore over every minute detail.
For some time now, Narnia.com has been dormant, with only a logo and a cursor that made sparklies when you swirled it around the page. Well no more. Narnia.com has updated to coincide with The Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer release and it looks fabulous!
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for since Prince Caspian came out — the unveiling of the first trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! This film has had a tough journey from the book to the screen; for a while we didn’t even know if it would be made. The voyage isn’t over, but at long last the trailer has arrived in all its glory to tantalize Narnia fans around the world.
NarniaWebber Jason took a tour of the Narnia Exhibit at the Jacksonville Museum of Science and History this past weekend. Here’s his report.
Perry Moore, executive producer for the Narnia films, offers a tiny bit of info on the White Witch’s appearance in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, as well as some interesting tidbits on the interpretation of the character throughout the series.
Rejoice Narnia fans! The release of the official The Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer has been moved up.
The official Facebook page for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has a new blog up! This blog covers the making of hundreds of books for Coriakin’s library.
The highly anticipated first look at footage from “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” will be online next Thursday!
A life-size replica of the historic ship ‘Matthew’ will be used later this year to help promote The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
HarperCollins has updated two of their websites to launch the “Read It Before You See It” campaign for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.