Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Adamson Not Directing Shrek 3

Adamson Not Directing Shrek 3

Andrew Adamson’s duties as LWW director are keeping him busy. So busy, in fact, that he will not be able to direct the next Shrek movie, Shrek 3. He will be involved, but the Shrek production is looking for another director. This may mean that Adamson will be available to direct the next Narnia film if all goes well with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

More Narnian Secrets Revealed

More Narnian Secrets Revealed

The following story contains two articles, the first from the New Zealand Herald and the second from Ain’t It Cool News. More secrets have been revealed regarding the story and filming.

Set Pictures From TORn *False Alarm*

Set Pictures From TORn *False Alarm*

Tehanu over at has snapped some exclusive pictures of a set under construction. UPDATE: The production has informed us that this is NOT a set location connected with the Narnia film.

Mark Johnson Talks About The Film

Mark Johnson Talks About The Film ran a story in which producer Mark Johnson talks about the winter set at Wainui. He says that they will be shooting in their winter set for 25 days out of the 100-day shoot.

Pulp Expo Features Narnia Filmmakers

Pulp Expo Features Narnia Filmmakers

The Pulp Expo in Wellington, NZ will feature Mark Johnson, Howard Berger, Dean Wright, and Richard Taylor in an exclusive movie discussion panel focused on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Little People Cast in Narnia Film

Little People Cast in Narnia Film

NarniaWeb has been able to confirm that seven short people have been cast in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Four are from India and three from Thailand. All seven will be part of the Red and Black Dwarf Armies in the film.

Animatronic Reindeer Ready and Other Set News

Animatronic Reindeer Ready and Other Set News

The New Zealand Herald brings us some great information about the animatronic reindeer which will be used in the film. We also find that the production is currently working on sets near Henderson and that James Cosmo has just completed his two-day shoot as Father Christmas.