IGN Interviews Richard Taylor
Here we have another interview with Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop, this time from IGN.
Here we have another interview with Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop, this time from IGN.
ComingSoon.net has posted an interview with Richard Taylor and Dean Wright of Weta Workshop and Howard Berger of KNB FX about their work on “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”.
Walden Media has added a new section to their Narnia website, “Musical Explorations.” This new section has an interview with composer Harry Gregson Williams as well as a sound clip from the film, “Tumnus Narnian Lullaby!”
Altum.nosce.net has just posted a boatload of amazing new production pictures. UPDATE: Unfortunately we’ve had to remove the images from our site for now.
The first screening of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was held last night in Southern California. We’ve got three reviews posted of the film and a special footnote that the reviewer posted at NarniaWeb.
We have another interview from William Moseley, this time from ComingSoon.net.
This fascinating technology article by Reuben Schwarz details how Telecom met the technological needs of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe production. At one point the crew was sending 10 gigabytes of data to LA every night.
NarniaResources.com has released their first Narnia screensaver. The screensaver includes different photos from the Narnia movie.
Narnia.com has updated their website to include a Step Into Narnia feature.
Cinema Confidential has posted a new interview with William Moseley who plays Peter.