Andrew Adamson Went From Shrek to Narnia
A retrospective about the fan reaction to the news that Andrew Adamson would be directing the first Narnia movie.
A retrospective about the fan reaction to the news that Andrew Adamson would be directing the first Narnia movie.
Douglas Gresham, the stepson of C. S. Lewis and executive producer of Netflix’s upcoming movies and series based on The...
The false report resulted from a comical misunderstanding.
Puddleglum’s famous speech was in. And Jill’s backstory was expanded.
Our Patreon page has launched.
The coveted part in The Chronicles of Narnia movies nearly went to another actor.
Finally some information on why development stalled.
Ben played Caspian in 2008 and 2010.
Unconfirmed reports suggest the number was nearly $250 Million.
The first two Narnia movies on Disney’s new streaming platforms.