Category: Big News

Queensland Premier Visits Narnia

Queensland Premier Visits Narnia

Premier Anna Bligh visited the set of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. A link to pictures of Georgie Henley and Will Poulter shaking hands with Ms. Bligh is included. UPDATE: Video footage has been added.

Dawn Treader Press Release and Casting News at Last!

Dawn Treader Press Release and Casting News at Last!

In a big press release, we finally have some casting announcements to make for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Unfortunately it doesn’t say who is who, but we have names!

10 Days Til Filming and the Crew Starts to Arrive

10 Days Til Filming and the Crew Starts to Arrive

It is now officially ten days until filming begins on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The bulk of the crew for the movie started arriving at the Gold Coast last week to begin prep work for the movie.

‘Dawn Treader’ Launching on the Gold Coast Part II

‘Dawn Treader’ Launching on the Gold Coast Part II

Apparently the report last week wasn’t official enough, but now they are reporting that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader IS officially filming on the Gold Coast in Australia. And there’s a few extra new tidbits of information to go along with this announcement. UPDATE: There’s another article out from the Brisbane Times that includes more specifics on sets and shooting locations in Australia.