Walden Media’s Educator Guide for Voyage.
Walden Media has released an educator’s guide to the film. The guide contains class room activities and thought provoking questions...
Walden Media has released an educator’s guide to the film. The guide contains class room activities and thought provoking questions...
The USA isn’t the only place to have banners and billboards showing up on highways and other public places for...
YahooMovies has the exclusive theatrical trailer premiere for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! UPDATE: Our 1080p screen captures are online.
According to TVGuide.com, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, will be airing on USA network towards the end of November. ...
A Swiss newspaper is hosting a painting contests, in which the grand prize is four tickets to The Chronicles of...
SundayMercury.net is hosting a contest to win tickets to the premiere of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Particular DVD’s at Wal-Mart stores are now featuring coupons for upcoming films. The two films, for which the $7.50 coupon...
We finally have a YouTube video of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader‘s first TV spot! Yes, the one that contains the “No one touches the tail” line.
I apologize for the false alarm for those of you who saw my story I posted three hours ago with...
We received this report from ‘Liliana’: While watching iCarly on nickelodeon (during a commercial) I happened to notice a Voyage...