Episode 79: ‘Dawn Treader’ Film Analysis, Part 6
Running time: 39:45 Rilian and Gymfan15 pick up where glumPuddle and Dr. Elwin Ransom left off and discuss the campfire...
Running time: 39:45 Rilian and Gymfan15 pick up where glumPuddle and Dr. Elwin Ransom left off and discuss the campfire...
You can download Dawn Treader behind-the-scenes videos on iTunes. Director Michael Apted talks about the elements they injected into VDT’s plot.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’s box office total is up to about $402 million worldwide.
In an article posted at Christianity Today, Devin Brown asks the question: “Would C.S. Lewis have renounced Turkish Delight from...
Running time: 42:55 Once again, the NarniaWeb Council must try to survive without its host, Rilian! GlumPuddle and Dr. Elwin...
The Chronicles of Narnia are one of four British fantasy series selected for the Royal Mail’s new ‘Magical Realms’ stamp...
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is no longer Fox’s highest grossing 2010 release domestically. Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, which released...
Running time 32:00 Rilian returns with Gymfan15 to discuss the possibility of The Magician’s Nephew as the next Narnia film...
“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” was recently honored at The Movieguide Faith and Values Awards. Other awarded films selected for recognition due to their Christian themes included Toy Story 3 and Secretariat.
With The Voyage of the Dawn Treader‘s opening weekend in Japan doing quite well, the movie has now officially made more money overseas than Prince Caspian did.