Category: All Headlines

Narnia Filming Underway!

Narnia Filming Underway!

The first scene is being filmed today for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at the old Hobsonville Air Base. In this scene the children are arriving at a railway station. We’ve got a transcript of Mark Johnson’s interview and pictures of the set!

Rupert Everett Gets Part in Film

Rupert Everett Gets Part in Film

NarniaWeb has learned that British actor Rupert Everett will star as the voice of the computer-animated fox in the upcoming film, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Producer Mark Johnson’s Interview

Producer Mark Johnson’s Interview

A few days ago Mark Johnson sat down with Rebecca Murray from to discuss his new movie “The Notebook”. At the end of the interview he spent a few minutes talking about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He confirms that the four children are unknown British actors and he talks about the relationship between the production and the C.S. Lewis Estate.

Flock Hill Station Pictures

Flock Hill Station Pictures

These scans were taken from The Press on June 16th. They feature workers at the location for the climactic final battle in next years’ Narnia movie, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The pictures show a montage with a helicopter at the location and Tilda Swinton with Andrew Adamson.

Flock Hill Station May Be Used for Final Battle

Flock Hill Station May Be Used for Final Battle

Up to 1000 people are expected to converge on Flock Hill Station near Arthurs Pass this spring to film the climactic battle scene from C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.