Category: All Headlines

Narnia… Another Missed Opportunity for Blinkered Belfast

Narnia… Another Missed Opportunity for Blinkered Belfast

Belfast Telegraph writer Gail Walker is upset because Belfast, Ireland, C.S. Lewis’ native city doesn’t have Narnia promotional plans. This...

Narnia 10 Minute Preview Shown at Seattle Pacific University

Narnia 10 Minute Preview Shown at Seattle Pacific University

A 10-minute preview of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was shown at Seattle Pacific University on November 14, 2005. NarniaWebber Ellesar submitted her report.

NarniaWeb Interviews Handheld Game Designer

NarniaWeb Interviews Handheld Game Designer

NarniaWeb got a chance to talk with Michael Viner, Producer at Buena Vista Games, about the upcoming handheld titles for Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. We also have exclusive images and video from the handheld games.