Behind the Magic VII: Creatures
Fast on the heels of chapter VI comes chapter VII. This time we discover the magic behind creating the different creatures of Narnia.
Fast on the heels of chapter VI comes chapter VII. This time we discover the magic behind creating the different creatures of Narnia.
A new “Behind the Magic” featurette is now available at has posted a very nice article interviewing Dawn French about her recent role in The Lion, the Witch, and...
A spoof news report about Narnia tricked some of the world’s best business brains. A Day Today-style story claimed the...
Patrick Kake, who played General Oreius in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has sent us a special Christmas greeting.
In its second weekend in the box office The Chronicles of Narnia slipped to the #2 spot making only $31.2 million behind King Kong’s $50.15 million.
Saturday Night Live ran a Chris Parnell Narnia rap called “Lazy Sunday Afternoon”. The video has two hopelessly white boys...
There are some new Narnia action figures available at the Disney store and we’ve got pictures!
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has been nominated for consideration for an academy award for Best Visual Effects. Tilda Swinton and James McAvoy have also been nominated by the London Film Critics for best British Actor and Actress in Supporting a Role.
We have five photos of New Zealand’s natural terrain used in the Narnia film. See Peter’s Mound, the Witch’s Mound, and more.