New LWW Music Clips Available has posted eight sound clips of music by Harry Gregson-Williams that were not on the Narnia soundtrack. It is... has posted eight sound clips of music by Harry Gregson-Williams that were not on the Narnia soundtrack. It is...
Entertainment Weekly has an article outlining Walden Media’s plans for the rest of the series. According to Cary Granat, Prince Caspian may not be released until Christmas 2008.
Micheal Flaherty, president of Walden Media, was the keynote speaker at the annual Wichita prayer breakfast.
Positioned by the studio as an ideal Easter gift, Buena Vista Home Entertainment’s “The Chronicles of Narnia” remained the top-selling DVD for the second consecutive week, according to figures for the week ending April 16.
Co-producer Douglas Gresham and other members of the Narnia film crew will be presenting at the C.S. Lewis Today Conference in Sydney.
In this episode you can hear my thoughts on the Collector’s DVD as well as some news concerning crew being...
The official website,, has added four behind-the-scenes clips from the DVD. To view them, click “The DVD” on the... has posted a 2-minute video on the buzz for religous-themed films that the success of The Lion, the Witch,...
Time Magazine has an article on how Andy Samberg came to create the video “Lazy Sunday.” The video, which first...
USA Today has an article about hollywood “marketing movies more aggressively than ever to churchgoers” because of box office hits...