Casting for Prince Caspian Kicks Off
Word has it that the casting process for the role of Caspian is in full swing.
Word has it that the casting process for the role of Caspian is in full swing.
It is rumoured that casting director Pippa Hall has faxed out application forms for the role of Caspian. English boys...
Harper Collins will be publishing short adaptations of Prince Caspian, illustrated by the talented Matthew Armstrong. According to Matthew, the...
The highly influential Fox Entertainment group is planning to produce films based on Christian bestseller books under a new banner...
The Sydney Morning Herald pop culture blog is running a piece on films that are particularly attractive to Australian audiences....
Thanks to “Knight of Gondor” for letting us know about the C.S. Lewis festival to be held in Belfast, Ireland... has an interview with James McAvoy (Tumnus) about his upcoming role in the comic book adaptation, Wanted. SHH writes:...
NarniaWeb Moderator ’Halrandir’ reports that, during the NCIS season premier on September 19 (on CBS), two characters mentioned The Chronicles...
The “King of Narnia” for September is up at! Remember, you still have a chance to enter this competition and win a trip to the Prince Caspian set.
The Prague Post is running a story about the Czech Republic filming locations for The Lion, the Witch, and the...