Casting Call for Glenstorm the Centaur
We have been informed of a casting call for the role of Glenstorm the Centaur in Prince Caspian. It is open to tall men of African descent, aged 50 or older.
We have been informed of a casting call for the role of Glenstorm the Centaur in Prince Caspian. It is open to tall men of African descent, aged 50 or older.
Henrik Tamm, concept artist on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, talks to NarniaWeb about his fascinating work.
According to our spies, auditions are continuing for the title role of Prince Caspian. Director Andrew Adamson and the producers...
Thanks to NarniaWebber zilver, we now have two new images of the “4-Disc Extended Edition DVD Gift Set.” One of...
Walt Disney has projected a release date of Friday May 16th, 2008 for Prince Caspian.
Denver financier Phil Anschutz has stepped further into the entertainment arena with his latest purchase. AEG, the Los Angeles-based subsidiary...
A new trailer for Walden Media’s adaptation of Kathrine Paterson’s novel, Bridge to Terabithia, is now available. While playing on...
Walden Media is getting ready for another big project. But, this one is different. It’s not based on a children’s...
From “David Cunningham (The Path to 9/11) will direct The Dark Is Rising, a fantasy film that kicks off...
The “Queen of Narnia” for October is up at! Remember, you still have a chance to enter this competition and win a trip to the Prince Caspian set.