Disney Shooting Scenes for Prince Caspian Game
As filming for Prince Caspian wraps up, Disney is having a few extra shots done for the upcoming video game.
As filming for Prince Caspian wraps up, Disney is having a few extra shots done for the upcoming video game.
HarperCollins has just announced a new Narnia Widget feature that you can use to post on your blog, website, or...
NarniaWebber QueenNellie won the Ultimate Narnia Fan contest and was able to take a trip to the Prince Caspian set. Her blog has now been posted at Narnia.com.
Narniafans.com reports that Douglas Gresham is to once again have a cameo in the upcoming Narnia film Prince Caspian.
Before “Prince Caspian” hits theaters, Disney will release “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” on Blu-Ray Disc with all new extras.
Even though the contest is over, Narnia.com is still accepting Fan Art to be displayed on the website. Narnia.com writes,...
Disney Movie Rewards sat down with Ben Wootten of Weta Workshop to talk about the creature designs used in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. You must be a member of the site to read the whole interview.
Running time: 46:27 Gymfan joins Rilian in this fun episode where she tells of her visit to Comic-Con and what...
On the set of Prince Caspian, we interviewed Howard Berger (Makeup, KNB EFX) and Dean Wright (VFX Supervisor).
Here is the second report on my incredible visit to the set of Prince Caspian! This one is about how digital effects and practical effects must work together to create the creatures and environments. This report also includes an interview with Shane Rangi (Asterius). Scroll to the end to read reports from other sources. *NarniaWeb Exclusive!*