Category: All Headlines

Dawn Treader Pushed Back to 2010

Dawn Treader Pushed Back to 2010

It appears that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader release date may have been pushed back to May 2010. UPDATE: The question mark has been removed from this headline, because Disney has confirmed this news. UPDATE: Disney has now informed us that production on Dawn Treader will begin Summer 2008.

Prince Caspian Poster Released

Prince Caspian Poster Released has the first exclusive look at the official Prince Caspian one-sheet poster. The poster shows Caspian in full armor, holding a sword in his right hand and the magic horn in his left.

The Silver Chair Makes Walden’s Pre-Strike List

The Silver Chair Makes Walden’s Pre-Strike List

Due to the potential strike next year in the film industry, several production companies have released a list of films to be fast-tracked before June 2008. The Silver Chair has made Walden Media’s priority list.