Still Looking for the Second Prince Caspian Poster?
If you’re still looking around for your own copy of the second Prince Caspian movie poster, we’ve found a couple...
If you’re still looking around for your own copy of the second Prince Caspian movie poster, we’ve found a couple...
Running time: 30:03 Rilian and glumPuddle discuss LionCon as well as the whole slew of rumours from IMDB. Warning: Full...
Becker Group announces an epic ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: International Museum Exhibition’ in partnership with Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Walden Media. The five-year international tour begins June 2008, spanning three continents.
Empire Magazine’s April 2008 issue has published a very lengthy and very funny interview with Ben Barnes.
NarniaFans has been sent a new Prince Caspian widget to post on your MySpace page, personal website, etc. This widget is designed more for the US release whereas the other widget is for the European release of the movie.
From the C. S. Lewis’ classic novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was recently voted the best...
MSN has seen 45 minutes of Prince Caspian and posted a review online! (This review describes the opening scene)
We’re very excited to say that we’ve gotten our hands on a lot of gorgeous new high res photos from Prince Caspian. Check them out here!
Coracle writes us to let us know that the C. S. Lewis Today Conference will once again be held in...
Tilda Swinton (the White Witch) received the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “Michael Clayton.” Congratulations...