Chronicles of Narnia Quiz on Moviefone
7chronicles has sent in a link to a new Chronicles of Narnia Trivia quiz that has been posted on Moviefone....
7chronicles has sent in a link to a new Chronicles of Narnia Trivia quiz that has been posted on Moviefone....
The New York Comic Con (April 18-20) has revealed their official schedule and The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian will...
NarniaWebber Aslan’s General writes, “I just saw a third Adventures in Narnia, this one focused on introducing the new characters....
April Fools! NarniaFans has announced two more key casting announcements for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Lindsey Lohan will...
There is yet another Sweepstakes being hosted in honor of the Prince Caspian movie. is giving away a trip...
Running time: 43:17 Rilian and Skilletdude discuss all the new images that have popped up from TV Spots and the...
Yesterday, Family Christian Stores held events for local church leaders. They watched a video with new interviews and some new behind-the-scenes footage. No exciting spoilers, but the Douglas Gresham interview is really interesting.
I managed to get my hands on ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion’ yesterday and have typed up a fair lengthy review of it. I’ve done my best to keep it spoiler-free so everyone can enjoy it, but at the same time you’ll know what to expect from it.