Category: All Headlines

Prince Caspian Trailer #2

Prince Caspian Trailer #2

IGN Movies has your first look at the new trailer for Prince Caspian. Update: The transcript and screenshots are now up! UPDATE AGAIN: has also posted a copy of the trailer, and their version has an official PG rating in front of it.

In Touch Magazine Interviews Mark Johnson

In Touch Magazine Interviews Mark Johnson

7chronicles has sent us a scan of an In Touch Magazine interview with Mark Johnson. They talk a bit about scouting locations for Prince Caspian as well as dealing with Georgie losing teeth while shooting the film.

Prince Caspian — TV Spot 8

Prince Caspian — TV Spot 8

An eigth TV Spot for Prince Caspian has popped up on YouTube. There’s not a lot of new footage, maybe one new clip, but there is a new line that says “Narnia’s about to be annihilated.”

Dawn Treader Begins Filming in October

Dawn Treader Begins Filming in October is reporting that production on “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” will begin in October, and much of the film will be shot in Mexico. Dawn Treader Begins Filming in October

Report From New York Comic Con

Report From New York Comic Con

This year at the New York Comic Con, William Moseley, Ben Barnes, Peter Dinklage, and producer Mark Johnson held a Q&A for Narnia fans after the showing of the long awaited theatrical trailer. NarniaWebber Rae went to the event and sent in her report. UPDATE: Quinlin’s report has been added.