Category: All Headlines Interviews Will Moseley Interviews Will Moseley

Will Moseley, who plays Peter in Prince Caspian, recently talked to about his transition to life in Hollywood, his focus on acting, and how his street brawl in Prince Caspian had a precursor in his own life.

VDT Filming Locations Still in Flux

VDT Filming Locations Still in Flux

It seems that the filming locations for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader are still up in the air. Even though the Baja Studios in Rosarito, Mexico are set in stone, all other filming locations (like New Zealand) are still in question.

Digital Arts Talks to Framestore About ‘Prince Caspian’ VFX

Digital Arts Talks to Framestore About ‘Prince Caspian’ VFX

Digital Arts has posted an in-depth article on Framestore’s VFX work on Prince Caspian. UPDATE: We also have a link to Animated Views interview with Dean Wright and Wendy Rogers.

Prince Caspian Finally Open in Europe!

Prince Caspian Finally Open in Europe!

Several weeks after its release in the United States, Prince Caspian has finally introduced itself to continental Europe. UPDATE: Prince Caspian tops UK’s box office.