Blooper Reel Clip From DVD/Blu-ray
A clip from the ‘Prince Caspian’ Blooper Reel is on YouTube. UPDATE: The full Blooper Reel is online
A clip from the ‘Prince Caspian’ Blooper Reel is on YouTube. UPDATE: The full Blooper Reel is online
New action figures for Caspian, Doctor Cornelius, Bultitude the Bulgy Bear, Electrus the Satyr, Celeus the Faun, and General Glozelle have been sighted on eBay! UPDATE: More new toys…including a Reepicheep plush toy!
Will Poulter, who has been cast as Eustace Scrubb in the upcoming Narnia movie The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,...
’Earthling’ alerts us to this $5 Minute Maid Rebate Offer. Make sure to pre-order your Prince Caspian DVD or Blu-Ray...
Thanks to everyone for all of the great entries. We’ve tallied up all the scores and the final winners are: impishrogue for his Stone Statue costume; chainmaillenarnian for her Puddleglum’s Eel Stew pudding; Menelve for her Wolves Chasing the Pevensies pumpkin carving. Click here to see their awesome entries!
From Cinematographer Donald McAlpine, whose inventive lensing of Baz Luhrmann’s “Moulin Rouge!” earned an Oscar nomination in 2002, will...
It appears that the rumors about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader release date moving to Nov. or Dec. 2010 are quickly becoming more substantial. Ben Barnes announced this past weekend at the London Expo that filming doesn’t begin until April 2009.
The BBFC has posted running times for all the extras on the Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray, as well as a list of easter eggs. UPDATE: The Official website has even more information that we’ve added.
Running time: 11:58 Well, here we are again. Rilian and glumPuddle discuss the situation the release dates now that Iron...
The official site has been given another makeover, and new content. UPDATE: Part of the new content includes many new photos and wallpaper that we will be adding to the image gallery.