Category: All Headlines

Eustace vs. Reepicheep, More Dragon Attack Details

Eustace vs. Reepicheep, More Dragon Attack Details

The latest report from the Dawn Treader set includes descriptions of two different scenes being filmed, one of which includes the Mysterious Little Girl. UPDATE: A new picture is online that might be related to one of these scenes.

The Mysterious Little Girl Goes Overboard

The Mysterious Little Girl Goes Overboard

Over the past two days we’ve seen pictures of a mysterious little girl aboard the Dawn Treader. Based on the video, we believe this to be “Gael” whom we first heard whispers about a couple months ago through a casting call. *Plot Spoilers*

The Dawn Treader Crew in Armor

The Dawn Treader Crew in Armor

Kerrie Gurney has posted a set of pictures on her Blogspot account that shows the Dawn Treader crew (including Caspian) in armor. UPDATE: We also have some pictures of our own. UPDATE: A video showing Georgie with the crew in armor has been posted on YouTube.

Photos: Georgie Henley on the Dawn Treader

Photos: Georgie Henley on the Dawn Treader

We finally have some good shots of Georgie Henley performing a scene as Lucy. UPDATE: Tamara has sent us a picture of Georgie in which she appears to have a sword!