Category: All Headlines

On Board the Dawn Treader

On Board the Dawn Treader

We have received a report from ‘myartismylife’ who has been aboard the Dawn Treader on the Movie World tour. There’s a lot of interesting description of the carvings and details found aboard the ship.

Behind the Scenes at Movie World

Behind the Scenes at Movie World

NarniaWebber andrea sent us a link to a new video where a Sunrise News team in Australia got to visit the set of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Includes some minor spoilers.

Episode 60: Islands, Peter, and Merry Christmas!

Episode 60: Islands, Peter, and Merry Christmas!

Running time: 32:37 It’s almost Christmas, but Rilian, glumPuddle and Warrior4Jesus just cannot resist discussing the situation of the (now...