A Future Stop for the Narnia Exhibition — Louisville, KY
The Louisville Science Center announced today that the exhibition for The Chronicles of Narnia will be arriving June 2011.
The Louisville Science Center announced today that the exhibition for The Chronicles of Narnia will be arriving June 2011.
Running time: 38:34 Spoilers ahoy! Rilian and glumPuddle discuss the juicy plot and theme details of the Dawn Treader covered...
To go along with the other tie-in books being released in October for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, HarperCollins...
The IMATS (International Make-up Artist Trade Show) Conference, held in Vancouver Canada, has added Howard Berger to the roster of...
As an update to our story earlier today, Comingsoon.net contacted their sources and confirmed that a decision has been made. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be released in 3D.
A year ago, Fox announced that they would be releasing three movies in 3D in 2010. Speculation immediately started on whether or not The Voyage of the Dawn Treader would be one of the three. Today we learn that while VDT is a definite contender, they still haven’t decided.
NarniaWebber icarus writes: “An interesting feature in this magazine here with Doug Cartwright, the guy who did the Leadlights (which...
Fox Filmed Entertainment has posted an opening for a summer intern in its Brand Marketing department. The job description specifically...
Micheal Flaherty will unveil clips from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader at the Biola Media Conference on May 1, 2010.
Well it looks like we may know a future location that ‘Narnia: The Exihibition’ will be heading. Huntsville Alabama’s U.S. Space and Rocket Center.