New ‘Dawn Treader’ Trailer Online
A low-quality version of the new trailer is on YouTube! We also have screen captures of the new/updated shots. UPDATE: A better-quality version is online.
A low-quality version of the new trailer is on YouTube! We also have screen captures of the new/updated shots. UPDATE: A better-quality version is online.
A new trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has surfaced on the Diary of a Wimpy Kid DVD.
We have pictures of the new The Voyage of the Dawn Treader banner in theaters thanks to narnian1! UPDATE: Jacob C has sent in a new image of a banner on the outside of a movie theater.
William Moseley and several other young actors are appearing in a public service announcement for raising awareness about cancer. The...
The Official Facebook page for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has just updated with a new blog: Five Questions with Will Poulter.
The National Maritime Museum in Cornwall, UK is hosting a huge Narnia Weekend on August 28-30. The ship Matthew will be transformed into the Dawn Treader and opened for tours. Visitors will also get a sneak peek of some Dawn Treader footage.
Liam Neeson (Aslan) has been signed on to play Abraham Lincoln in Steven Spielberg’s biopic since 2006, but now it...
From The Hollywood Reporter: James Bond film composer David Arnold today announced details of his second annual Concert for Care,...
Last month we reported on Fox, National Geographic, and Italy teaming up to give two lucky Italians the chance to sail for a week on a replica Dawn Treader. Now the same competition is open to France.
After posting the story on the Dawn Treader poster yesterday, we received lots of comments stating that there have been...