Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

New Behind the Scenes Video: Journey Back to Narnia

New Behind the Scenes Video: Journey Back to Narnia

Unfortunately we have had to remove the “Journey Back” featurette and video as it hadn’t yet been cleared for release. We are hoping that it can be reposted soon.

Becker Group Announces International Narnia Museum Exhibit

Becker Group Announces International Narnia Museum Exhibit

Becker Group announces an epic ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: International Museum Exhibition’ in partnership with Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Walden Media. The five-year international tour begins June 2008, spanning three continents.

New Prince Caspian Widget

New Prince Caspian Widget

NarniaFans has been sent a new Prince Caspian widget to post on your MySpace page, personal website, etc. This widget is designed more for the US release whereas the other widget is for the European release of the movie.

Prince Caspian at WonderCon 2008

Prince Caspian at WonderCon 2008 has posted the first review of the Prince Caspian presentation at WonderCon 2008. UPDATE: We also have’s review as well! UPDATE: xnoelle25 has posted footage of Howard Berger speaking on YouTube. Take a look!

Disney Shows Off Narnia Blu-Ray Disc

Disney Shows Off Narnia Blu-Ray Disc

Disney was in North Carolina this weekend showing clips from “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” in high definition. UPDATE: We have another report from Nashville, TN.