New Commercial on Disney XD
Another new commercial has surfaced on the Disney XD site! Almost identical to TV spot 2, this commercial includes a...
Another new commercial has surfaced on the Disney XD site! Almost identical to TV spot 2, this commercial includes a...
The Disney Channel Movie Surfers official podcast has been posted.
Cinema Judge went behind the scenes of Prince Caspian and has released a 22 minute video.
In a new interview with, Mark Johnson talks about the challenge of adapting Prince Caspian, the actors, the PG rating, and the possibility of future Narnia films being in 3D. He also reveals that there will be a new writer for Dawn Treader.
ABC News has uploaded an interview with William Moseley and Anna Popplewell where they talk about their role in the film, read to children, and then they show a clip from the film.
Liam Neeson was interviewed on the Regis and Kelly show. And it includes a new clip of Lucy with Aslan.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian will be premiering in the UK on June 19! UPDATE: Disney UK has put out a press release.
We have three new interviews with Ben Barnes that have showed up online!
This one has a new line from Aslan, and new footage of the battle and the river-god. UPDATE: We’ve added TV Spot 12 as well.
A new clip from the film has found its way on YouTube. It shows some of the rivalry between Peter and Caspian we’ve been hearing about.