Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Prince Caspian U.K. Premiere Report

Prince Caspian U.K. Premiere Report

NarniaWebbers AJAiken and Jints were among several NarniaWebbers who attended the U.K. premiere of Prince Caspian. Here are their reports. UPDATE: MTV has posted footage.

Walt Disney at Comic-Con 2008

Walt Disney at Comic-Con 2008

Comic-Con released a list of exhibitors for their 2008 convention and Walt Disney Studios is on the list. No word yet on whether or not anything from Prince Caspian or The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be shown, but it’s probably a safe bet we’ll see something Narnian.

Prince Caspian Coming to DVD/Blu-ray in October?

Prince Caspian Coming to DVD/Blu-ray in October? has posted a story on Disney’s and Panasonic’s new venture into BD-Live technology. At the end of the article, Prince Caspian is listed for an October release date.