Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Detailed Review: Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray

Detailed Review: Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray

NarniaWebber ‘Griffle’ has posted an exhaustive review of the Prince Caspian DVD and Blu-ray Disc! If you are worried about the extras being “spoiled,” you’ll want to skip this. If not, get comfortable!

First Reviews of ‘Prince Caspian’ Blu-ray & DVD

First Reviews of ‘Prince Caspian’ Blu-ray & DVD

NarniaWebber Griffle has translated some initial reviews on the Prince Caspian Blu-ray and DVD from the Swedish site UPDATE: Griffle has added a review and photos of the Circle Vision feature.

Mark Johnson Talks to About Narnia

Mark Johnson Talks to About Narnia

In honor of the ‘Prince Caspian’ DVD/Blu-ray releasing in the UK next week, Mark Johnson talks to about ‘Prince Caspian’ and the rest of the Narnia series. Most of the information we’ve heard before, but Mark did reveal that they hope to release the rest of the movies two years apart.

New ‘Prince Caspian’ Action Figures

New ‘Prince Caspian’ Action Figures

New action figures for Caspian, Doctor Cornelius, Bultitude the Bulgy Bear, Electrus the Satyr, Celeus the Faun, and General Glozelle have been sighted on eBay! UPDATE: More new toys…including a Reepicheep plush toy!

NarniaWeb’s Halloween 2008 Contest Winners!

NarniaWeb’s Halloween 2008 Contest Winners!

Thanks to everyone for all of the great entries. We’ve tallied up all the scores and the final winners are: impishrogue for his Stone Statue costume; chainmaillenarnian for her Puddleglum’s Eel Stew pudding; Menelve for her Wolves Chasing the Pevensies pumpkin carving. Click here to see their awesome entries!

Filming on Voyage Bumped Yet Again?

Filming on Voyage Bumped Yet Again?

It appears that the rumors about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader release date moving to Nov. or Dec. 2010 are quickly becoming more substantial. Ben Barnes announced this past weekend at the London Expo that filming doesn’t begin until April 2009.