Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

The Dawn Treader, Two Masts, and a Tail

The Dawn Treader, Two Masts, and a Tail

AutumnHeart has updated her blog to include some new glorious hi-rez pictures of the Dawn Treader. She now has two masts, some rigging, and if you look closely, you can see her tail lying on the ground nearby ready to be attached.

Two Blogs Give Detailed Reports on the Wharf Set and Filming

Two Blogs Give Detailed Reports on the Wharf Set and Filming

Even though filming the Narrowhaven Wharf scene is finished, two people have posted extensive blogs about their trips to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader set that we thought you all might be interested in seeing.

The Dawn Treader is Nearly Complete

The Dawn Treader is Nearly Complete

NarniaFans was sent a set of pictures presumably from earlier today in Australia when the Dragon’s Prow was attached to the body of the Dawn Treader. It looks stunning. Updates Their Photo Gallery Updates Their Photo Gallery

A couple days ago, we reported that had a fantastic photo gallery of pictures from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Narrowhaven set. They have now updated their gallery to include a total of 49 pictures, including the best shot of Will and Georgie we’ve seen yet!

‘Dawn Treader’ Set Attracting Local Attention

‘Dawn Treader’ Set Attracting Local Attention

Australia’s Nine News did a special report on the set for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader last night. We have the video for your viewing pleasure!

Two More Casting Announcements — Pug and Lord Bern

Two More Casting Announcements — Pug and Lord Bern

We’ve received two more casting announcements this evening exclusive to NarniaWeb! Australian actors Terry Norris and Colin Moody have been cast in the roles of Lord Bern and Pug.

More Pictures from Narrowhaven and the Dawn Treader

More Pictures from Narrowhaven and the Dawn Treader

We have yet another round of photos for you all. has added a Photo Gallery to their website from the filming yesterday that includes a couple great shots of Will Poulter. We also have a couple new pics of the Dawn Treader. Enjoy!