Category: Narnia Movie News

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”Under Her Starry Mantle” Blog Has Another Round of Dawn Treader Pics

”Under Her Starry Mantle” Blog Has Another Round of Dawn Treader Pics

AussieAnnie (who writes her Under Her Starry Mantle blog) took a trip to Cleveland Point on August 17th, trekked through the mud, and took dozens of pictures of the Dawn Treader. Some of our forum members are debating that these are the best pictures to date.

Cleveland Point Shooting to Allow Spectators

Cleveland Point Shooting to Allow Spectators

Want to watch The Voyage of the Dawn Treader being filmed? You’re in luck because, as the Bayside Bulletin reports, the production is installing bleachers at Cleveland Point and will be taking donations.

The Dawn Treader Gets Her Tail!!

The Dawn Treader Gets Her Tail!!

We don’t know about everybody else, but we love seeing the Dawn Treader in the process of being built. Well, today NarniaWeb has received a report from Rob Langdon who was there snapping pictures as the tail was attached to the ship. Check ’em out here!

Getting Up Close and Personal with the Dawn Treader

Getting Up Close and Personal with the Dawn Treader

A new set of photos, taken yesterday, has cropped up on David Jackmanson’s Flickr account. Unlike the pictures we’ve seen so far, these are zoomed in on various parts of the ship to show us new details. UPDATE: MundoNarnia has a few excellent new close-ups of the ship as well. has Hi-Rez Pics of the Dawn Treader has Hi-Rez Pics of the Dawn Treader was sent some hi-rez pictures of the Dawn Treader. It’s not much further along than when we posted AutumnHeart’s pictures yesterday, but the shots are from some new angles, and they’re really cool to look at.

The Dawn Treader, Two Masts, and a Tail

The Dawn Treader, Two Masts, and a Tail

AutumnHeart has updated her blog to include some new glorious hi-rez pictures of the Dawn Treader. She now has two masts, some rigging, and if you look closely, you can see her tail lying on the ground nearby ready to be attached.

Two Blogs Give Detailed Reports on the Wharf Set and Filming

Two Blogs Give Detailed Reports on the Wharf Set and Filming

Even though filming the Narrowhaven Wharf scene is finished, two people have posted extensive blogs about their trips to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader set that we thought you all might be interested in seeing.

The Dawn Treader is Nearly Complete

The Dawn Treader is Nearly Complete

NarniaFans was sent a set of pictures presumably from earlier today in Australia when the Dragon’s Prow was attached to the body of the Dawn Treader. It looks stunning.