Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Dawn Treader Footage Screened at Taylor University

Dawn Treader Footage Screened at Taylor University

We received a spy report from ‘John’ who attended the C. S. Lewis & Friends conference at Taylor University this past weekend. The conference was hosted by Dr. Devin Brown, and to the surprise of the attendees, some footage from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was shown. Be warned, there are a few new plot spoilers in this report!

Trailer Release Soon

Trailer Release Soon

A trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie is predicted to be released in two weeks. UPDATE: Kristi at The Lion’s Call reports that Walden has confirmed the VDT trailer will premiere in front of Toy Story 3!

Ramandu’s Daughter Given a Name – Lilliandil

Ramandu’s Daughter Given a Name – Lilliandil

Ramandu’s Daughter has been given a name for this movie: Lilliandil. Tirian can confirm this name from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader footage he saw a few months ago.

First Viewing of ‘Dawn Treader’ in LA Next Week

First Viewing of ‘Dawn Treader’ in LA Next Week

According to the official Facebook fan-page for Tony Nixon (Rynelf), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will have it’s first official cut viewed in LA next week!

Narnia: The Exhibition – Now in Two Locations

Narnia: The Exhibition – Now in Two Locations

A week ago Wednesday we reported the Exhibition for The Chronicles of Narnia would open in Montreal Canada. What we didn’t know at the time was three days after we reported that story a second Exhibition would open in Jacksonville, FL!

Dawn Treader VBS Curriculum Delayed

Last month we told you about Group Publishing’s Fun-For-The-Whole-Family Hour package that would include exclusive clips of Dawn Treader footage. That footage will not be available until August 16.

The First Dawn Treader Movie Poster

NarniaWebber ‘LucyP0104’ has just sent us a snapshot of the first The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Movie Poster. The tagline reads: “Return to MAGIC, Return to HOPE, Return to NARNIA.” Notice the reflection of the Dawn Treader in Aslan’s eye. UPDATE: We now have a hi-res image of the poster.