New Image of Lucy, Plus Other Updates has added a new hidden image of Lucy, plus a few new updates. has added a new hidden image of Lucy, plus a few new updates.
The Matthew has almost completed its transformation into the Dawn Treader and will soon set sail from Ilfracombe to Falmouth.
More movie tie-in books that are available outside of the USA.
Aslan’s Country has posted the three clips from the Fun-for-the-Whole-Family Hour package. There’s a lot of dialogue with Eustace in all three clips. This is by far the best footage we’ve seen from the film.
Empire has uploaded a video of parts of their The Voyage of the Dawn Treader interview with Ben Barnes and Michael Apted from this past weekend at Movie-Con.
Our friend Devin Brown has written a character profile article in conjunction with Operation Narnia (the campaign to shoeboxes for needy kids around the world). Brown’s article is titled “C. S. Lewis’s Message in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” and highlights four characters to watch in the upcoming film: Eustace, Reepicheep, Aslan, and Lucy.
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader has been selected for this year’s Royal Film Performance and will get its world premiere in the presence of members of the Royal Family and the movie’s cast and crew in late November.
This weekend at Movie-Con, Empire sat down with director Michael Apted and Ben Barnes to chat for a little bit about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Thus far, the competition to win a trip aboard the Matthew (decked out as the Dawn Treader) has been held in Italy and France. Now it’s open to kids and teens in the UK.
Three more book covers for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie tie-ins have surfaced today. One of them is a completely new picture.