Douglas Gresham on Future Narnia Films
Co-producer Douglas Gresham would still like to see the rest of the books made into films. “We cannot immediately produce another Narnian Chronicle movie. But…”
UPDATE: The full discussion is online.
Co-producer Douglas Gresham would still like to see the rest of the books made into films. “We cannot immediately produce another Narnian Chronicle movie. But…”
UPDATE: The full discussion is online.
For quite some time now, Narnia fans have been waiting patiently for news on whether or not there will be another Narnia movie. Here’s our analysis on what’s going on behind the scenes and what fans can expect.
In the middle of one of NarniaWeb’s longest news blackouts, all fans can do is speculate about possible next moves for the series. NarniaWeb NP GlumPuddle shares his thoughts in this video.
We have been contacted by someone close to the production that Walden Media has pulled out of making any further Narnia movies. UPDATE: There’s some conflicting information here, so we really don’t know for sure yet what’s going on. has posted a review for the 3D Blu-ray release of ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.’
Micheal Flaherty says there is currently no script for The Magician’s Nephew, and no agreement has been reached on which film will be next. UPDATE: We just started a new poll. Scroll down to the bottom-right side of the homepage to vote! UPDATE: The clip is on our YouTube channel.
Fans with 3D HDTVs and 3D Blu-ray players will be able to watch ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ in 3D at home.
Not surprisingly, Harry Potter dominated DVD/Blu-ray sales.
The third Narnia film’s worldwide box office total is still short of the second’s.
Walden Media president Micheal Flaherty talks about The Magician’s Nephew, Dawn Treader’s box office, and the undragoning.