The Silver Chair is Mark Gordon’s Next Project?
Will a release date be announced soon?
Will a release date be announced soon?
Fill your wardrobe with these Silver Chair themed shirts and hoodies.
The Silver Chair screenwriter on fleshing out Jill’s character, themes in the story, Puddleglum’s speech, and more.
A look back at the first three Chronicles of Narnia films (and hopes for The Silver Chair).
Don’t be taken in. A fake press release for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair is circulating.
Hannah Minghella comments on reviving the Narnia franchise and the message of The Silver Chair.
Joe Johnston still committed to directing The Silver Chair film.
EntertainmentOne revs up interest for The Silver Chair at trade show in Barcelona, Spain.
NarniaWeb interviewed Stratton after the show on June 17th.
Director Joe Johnston says a completely new Narnia is coming.