Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Tilda Swinton Interview

Tilda Swinton Interview

The New Straits Times got an excellent interview with Tilda Swinton who plays the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She talks a bit about her costumes, her time on set, and being the “epitome of all evil.”

Narnia Video Game Premieres in August

Narnia Video Game Premieres in August

The Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival (EIEF) will premiere ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ followed by Q&A session with the game’s creator Mike Jacob.

The Trailer is Up!

The Trailer is Up!

Moviefone has the internet premier of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe trailer in glorious hi-res with an exclusive introduction by Andrew Adamson at the beginning. We have screenshots of the hi-res trailer for those of you who can’t download the trailer yet. UPDATE: We now have official site direct download links in a variety of formats.

Worldwide Trailer Roadblock Debut For Narnia

Worldwide Trailer Roadblock Debut For Narnia

Disney is poised to release the trailer for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on May 7th and within a 48-hour period reach an estimated 200 million+ viewers in 32 countries, 13 languages, across five continents and spanning over 12 time zones.

Newsweek Exclusive: Welcome to Narnia

Newsweek Exclusive: Welcome to Narnia

Newsweek got an exclusive look at a few pictures that Disney released for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. UPDATE: We now have scans of the article with bigger pictures.