NY Times on Narnia Soundtracks
The New York Times has a new article about the different Narnia soundtracks being released, including the secular soundtrack.
The New York Times has a new article about the different Narnia soundtracks being released, including the secular soundtrack.
Our own Pshawn recently got a chance to speak with Gordon Hayden of Spin 103.8 (Irish Radio) on the Saturday show “We Love Movies”. Listen to the clip online!
Barbara Nicolosi from Church of the Masses got a chance to see The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Read her review here.
NarniaWebber Eva has posted new pictures of conceptual art from the film! UPDATE: We now have close-ups of the concept art! The Beaver’s dam and Father Christmas can be clearly seen!
William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Skander Keynes, and Georgie Henley will be available for pictures and sound bites in the Leicester Square gardens on October 12.
Narniafans.com got a chance to interview Kevin Eslinger, one of the creaters of the Narnia prop replicas. Read clips from the interview here.
Read our exclusive interview with composer Geoffrey Burgon, who scored the music for the three BBC Narnia television productions.
Cinematical.com was sent a short review of the first several minutes of the film. UPDATE: AintItCoolNews.com has posted their review as well.
French magazine L’Ecran Fantastique has interviewed Roger Ford, production designer for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.