Mark Johnson Discusses Future of Series
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, producer Mark Johnson talks about the future of the Narnia series.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, producer Mark Johnson talks about the future of the Narnia series.
We have exclusive backstage Oscar pictures from KNB EFX Group.
The Hollywood Reporter has more news about the huge success of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in China and Japan.
We have a copy of the letter which Skandar Keynes sends out to his fans and in it he mentions Prince Caspian and NarniaWeb.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is expected to do well at the Chinese box office when it opens there this week. UPDATE: Narnia sells out at Shanghai theatres.
The Chronicles of Narnia opened in Japan this weekend and grossed an estimated $9.2 million.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was nominated for three Oscars, and received one. UPDATE: has posted the press room interviews with the winners.
Box Office Mojo has added the potential release date for Prince Caspian to its schedule.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe received top accolades at the 14th Annual Movieguide Faith & Values Awards.
Isis Mussenden, the costume designer for The Chronicles of Narnia was honored at the Guild’s annual gala.