Category: Narnia Movie News

Latest Narnia Movie News

Andrew Adamson Talks Prince Caspian

Andrew Adamson Talks Prince Caspian

Today at a press conference in Auckland, director Andrew Adamson confirmed that filming on Prince Caspian will soon begin at undisclosed locations around New Zealand. He also announced that he will not be directing the third Narnia film. UPDATE: You can also view a one-on-one video interview with Adamson.

Gresham Talks Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Gresham Talks Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Douglas Gresham has discussed his plans for filming The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in the island nation of Malta, and talks about starting pre-production for the film before Prince Caspian is released.

Walden Media’s Plans for Narnia

Walden Media’s Plans for Narnia

Infuze Magazine has interviewed Walden Media’s Bob Beltz about filming Prince Caspian and the subsequent Narnia films. In exciting news, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has already been greenlit, with plans to release it only one year after Prince Caspian.