Greta Gerwig on “Barbie”
Despite the magnitude and mainstream appeal, Gerwig believes that the film still maintains a personal quality akin to her previous works.
Despite the magnitude and mainstream appeal, Gerwig believes that the film still maintains a personal quality akin to her previous works.
Is Narnia bound for the big-screen once again?
Every great author has people in their lives that shaped and molded them. In the Chronicles of Narnia books, Lewis paid homage to many of those writers including Edith Nesbit, J.R.R. Tolkien, and George MacDonald.
Much has been written about the famed friendship between two literary greats, in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. But their relationship goes much deeper than many realize.
For many readers worldwide, the drawings of Narnia and its creatures are inseparable from C.S. Lewis’s own words.
Many of the locations in Narnia are inspired by real places that C.S. Lewis visited, read about, or dreamed of in his youth.
C.S. Lewis’s first two published works were unlike any other that would follow in his famed literary career, in more ways than one.
The Chronicles of Narnia’s Reepicheep was not the first valiant talking mouse C.S. Lewis dreamed up. As a boy, he created Boxen.
It seems everyone has an opinion on Susan’s fate. But what did C.S. Lewis say about her?