Richard Taylor Knighted
Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop is now Sir Richard Taylor after he was knighted today for the NZ Queen’s Birthday...
Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop is now Sir Richard Taylor after he was knighted today for the NZ Queen’s Birthday...
Ramandu’s Daughter has been given a name for this movie: Lilliandil. Tirian can confirm this name from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader footage he saw a few months ago.
According to the official Facebook fan-page for Tony Nixon (Rynelf), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will have it’s first official cut viewed in LA next week!
Narnia took third place in a recent poll asking which fantasy worlds people would like to visit most. First place...
A week ago Wednesday we reported the Exhibition for The Chronicles of Narnia would open in Montreal Canada. What we didn’t know at the time was three days after we reported that story a second Exhibition would open in Jacksonville, FL!
Kingston University’s student magazine, ‘Mouth’ did an interview with Ben Barnes where he announced that he will not keep his accent in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Zondervan Publishing will be teaming up with iPad to try something new for people who enjoy digital e-Readers. Because the...
After we reported earlier today on Will Moseley’s new role in A Great Education, 220ChrisTian contacted us to say that...
After Narnia: The Exhibition wrapped up Houston a few weeks ago, we weren’t sure where it would be going between now and Oct. 9, 2010 when it arrives in Huntsville, AL. Today, we learn that it’s headed to Montreal, QC, Canada.
I think a lot of people were disappointed to learn a few months ago that William Moseley was no longer...
Ben Barnes Meets Samuel West (Two Caspians)
16 Oct, 2021