First Look at the Matthew as the Dawn Treader
The Matthew has almost completed its transformation into the Dawn Treader and will soon set sail from Ilfracombe to Falmouth.
The Matthew has almost completed its transformation into the Dawn Treader and will soon set sail from Ilfracombe to Falmouth.
More movie tie-in books that are available outside of the USA.
For those who might be interested, Arabella Morton, who plays Gael in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, has an...
Empire has uploaded a video of parts of their The Voyage of the Dawn Treader interview with Ben Barnes and Michael Apted from this past weekend at Movie-Con.
Sony Pictures announced today that they will open The Tourist, a romantic thriller starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, on... has a story on three new pictures from the filming of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The only...
The Official Facebook page for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is reporting that is being featured on
This weekend at Movie-Con, Empire sat down with director Michael Apted and Ben Barnes to chat for a little bit about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Thus far, the competition to win a trip aboard the Matthew (decked out as the Dawn Treader) has been held in Italy and France. Now it’s open to kids and teens in the UK.
Three more book covers for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie tie-ins have surfaced today. One of them is a completely new picture.
Ben Barnes Meets Samuel West (Two Caspians)
16 Oct, 2021