Author: Glumpuddle

Behind-the-Scenes ‘Treasure Chamber’ Clip

Behind-the-Scenes ‘Treasure Chamber’ Clip

A new clip from the Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray extras as appeared on The clip is a behind the scenes look at the Treasure Chamber, and includes Douglas Gresham reading an excerpt from the book!

Markus & McFeely to Write ‘Captain America’ Script

Markus & McFeely to Write ‘Captain America’ Script

According to SuperHeroHype, Narnia screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely are in negotiations to write the Marvel Comics adaptation “The...

Detailed Review: Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray

Detailed Review: Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray

NarniaWebber ‘Griffle’ has posted an exhaustive review of the Prince Caspian DVD and Blu-ray Disc! If you are worried about the extras being “spoiled,” you’ll want to skip this. If not, get comfortable!