Production Company Announced for The Silver Chair
This morning the official Narnia Twitter and Facebook accounts announced that the Mark Gordon Company will produce the next the next Narnia movie: The Silver Chair.
From Twitter:
From Facebook:
No release date has been set and there’s also no word whether Walden Media will be involved in this production. If Walden is not involved, it is likely that Silver Chair would not be released until 2018. That said, it’s not unrealistic to start planning for a new movie four years before the release date. This announcement may be an attempt to gauge fan interest in a fourth movie.
Mark Gordon is an American television and film producer and also the president of the Producers Guild of America. He has produced a number of films and tv shows including Saving Private Ryan, Speed, The Day After Tomorrow, 10,000 B.C., Grey’s Anatomy, and 2012. You can see his full list of credits at this Wikipedia page.
UPDATE: has posted a story about the announcement along with some quotes. Vincent Sieber, the LA based Director of The C.S. Lewis Company said: “We are very excited by this partnership and to be able to work on this movie from its earliest conception on such a collaborative basis. It gives us the opportunity to develop a script and then produce a film with some of the most talented industry professionals whilst remaining completely faithful to this much loved book.”
Mark Gordon stated, “Like many readers, both young and old, I am a huge fan of C.S. Lewis’s beautiful and allegorical world of Narnia. These fantasy stories inspire real-world passion among millions of devoted fans around the world. As we prepare to bring the next book to life, we are humbled and excited to contribute to the outstanding legacy of Narnia.”
2018 is so far away I can't wait this long.
Really looking forward to this. Just wondering who will play Eustace Scrubb and how they will film Puddlegum the Marshwiggle.
After that new Douglas Gresham interview I thought it wouldn't be this soon!! This is awesome!
I think that the Narnia ball is rolling again. Great to hear some new movie news. And the Silver Chair. Yay!
I'm worried! Does that mean that Walden Median and Fox dropped the franchise? I'm not here for a low-budget limited-release movia.
So Excited!!!

"C.S. Lewis’s beautiful and allegorical world of Narnia."
Mr. Gordon, "don't do that. No. Really, don't. Really. Don't."
"Narnia" isn't an allegory.
But apart from that picked nit, I'm excited about this news. Just so they avoid another "Dawn Treader" debacle.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who got a little scared by that!
I saw the BBC version of the "The Silver Chair" and not only was it boring, but the ending was anti-climatic. Hopefully this movie will do much better!
I always thought Silver Chair was so much more "cinematic" than Dawn Treader. No need to invent any villains or crises.
This is wonderful news.
Wow. I just squealed so loud the whole building must have heard me. Did not expect this. It's not April the first is it? And it's the Silver Chair they're adapting! Yay, we get to start speculating on the casting of Puddleglum!
So does this mean the production can begin before 2018?
YESSSSSSSSSSSS! I am soooo happppyyyyy! Because I never use this many letters lol.
Didn't Lewis call it a supposition as opposed to an allegory? "What ifs" rather than out and out symbolic representation.
I know! I was thinking, "It's October 1st, not April 1st. This better not be a sick joke." lol
Wow, very excited about this! I have been a Narnia fan ever since I was a little girl! The Silver Chair has never been my favorite because it was kinda slow. But a few things that I DID like about it is that is has great scenery and memorable characters (aka, Eustace and Puddleglum). And of course, the whole idea of how C.S. Lewis incorporates Biblical aspects to each book!
Very interesting. Glad to see they will try to continue with the next book and not reboot the series just yet. Cool to see some news, but not going to get excited for it yet. It's just way too early for that. Am I interested? Yes, just because a series has a few bad films, doesn't mean a sequel can't come and breathe new life into the series. X-men: First Class is a good example.
Gordon's comment about allegory raised a bit of a red flag for me. Then again, he called the WORLD of Narnia allegorical, so I'm not even sure what that means. Certain aspects maybe, but not all of it… I'm not going to worry about it now. He may have just misspoke for all we know.
Something I noticed on that twitter pic. It says ASLAN returns. Now I don't know if that had anything to do with the kind of path the film will take or not… If it is, that's encouraging. Aslan is really the most important part of the books. I hope he's made more important in this next film than he has in the past films.
YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!! I am so glad that they are doing SC! I am a huge fan of some of Mark Gordon's other works and I can't wait to see what he does with Narnia. I'm so happy right now!
Hoorah! Narnia is better than all the rival fantasies and I can't wait to see The Silver Chair!
This is the best news that I've heard by far this year for Narnia news. Please stay faithful, and it wouldn't hurt to add in the romance that Caspian/Liliandil so very deserve.
Hurrah! I hope this movie is not a let down after waiting 5 years.
Or if we count from the last movie release date 7 years.
I can hardly breathe!
that's if they will do it, let's hope they will and it will be out sooner than 2018 and I miss the casts from the last film
Finally!!!! My favorite Narnia book is gonna be a movie!! I am shrieking at the top of my lungs, I am so excited.
Silver Chair has a lot of very profound and wonderful moments underneath the adventure and danger. After the disappointment of Dawn Treador, I am ready for the franchise to redeem itself. And it has the perfect opportunity with this amazing story.
I'm so excited, I don't know what to think or say, I'm hoping for the best and it is so good to have SOME kind of news at last. Of course there are more questions than answers now, but least we know there is more than hope for a new Narnia movie now
So great to be posting back on this site again! Awesome news, I'm thrilled! Have to wonder what this means as far as how the special effects will turn out. Yeah, indie movies can have great acting, but as far as fantastical visuals, that's where I'd begin to worry. Fingers crossed that perhaps Walden will still be involved! I'm not sure how it all works, but perhaps Walden's involvement could secure better special effects, and also lead to a closer release date!
Amanda, please go back and read the last couple of years of news about the franchise. Walden's use expired and was not renewed.
Wow just wow! this is great news im so Excited!!!
Please be truer to the original story than the last two train wrecks.
This is a children's story, told intelligently enough for any adult, and smart kid to enjoy.
That is mainly where the last two movies failed.
The reason the first was such a success, is that the directors did not selfishly produce their own version of the story. Stick with the original story, and you will have something completely unique and unforgettable. Don't shape the story around special effects, but use special effects to make a more spectacular story. AND DON'T CHANGE THE DIALOGUE, or it will fail. You are dealing with a delicately structured work of art. Change too much, and it will collapse.
They should have started this movie ages ago! The Silver Chair takes place right after the school holidays, the holidays in which The Voyage of the Dawn Treader took place. So basically, nobody needed to wait that long.
But still…..
The Puddleglum casting will probably be the most awaited in the franchise's history.
YES! I just danced around the house. It's happening! It may be a few years, but it really, truly is happening!
It was a pleasant surprise to see this news pop up on my Facebook feed this morning.
Woohoo! Looking forward to hearing more SC news! I've missed you, Narnia. 
this is totally great news….perfect time…
So excited to hear this news. Hopefully it gets done soon,
I'm wishing for the rest of the books. Love them!
I love the BBC Version. Then again I grew up with it.
Someone tell the writers/producers that Silver Chair does not need a big battle scene.
That is all.
His film company has produced movies with already great visual effects. I don't think you need to worry about it.
I CANNOT wait!!! SC is my favorite book of the series. I hope the "stay faithful to a much-loved book" part is actually true. Can't wait to stay tuned for this new book-to-film journey!
Andy Serkis as motion capture gollum…
I wonder if Will Poulter will be too old for this film, since he's the main actor returning? Oh, and of course there's young Caspian at the end of the story; hopefully they can get Ben Barnes back again.
This is going to be worth the wait! i have faith that Douglas Gresham knows what he is doing! Wooooo!
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I never thought we'd hear any news like this again for some time. Wow. I know things will still take a long time, and things could change. Wow. Now to do research and speculation in 3..2…1..
I was wondering how you would take this news, glumpuddle. I'm sure we'll see a video soon!
It's hard to tell what to expect based on his credits… while he was involved with some classic great films … his last movie was "2012" :/
I really hope Walden won't be involved in this one…
Say Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????????
THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M THE HAPPIEST GIRL ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!

In my opinion they should go with The Magician's Nephew, then Silver and Last Battle. It's a great way to re-introduce / rebirth and I guess, "reboot" the franchise. Taking place between Voyage and The Silver Chair, have the movie begin with Digory telling the story to Eustace, Peter and Edmund (and maybe Jill). From there the movie takes off. And when it ends, it goes back to Digory closing the story by letting it end as a cliffhanger to the Silver Chair. That way, you're letting the audience remember that the next two books (especially Silver) will have Eustace in them.
I say this because Narnia lacks a consistent character, as they switch after 3 books to Jill and Eustace, let alone the two prequels.
Regardless, I am PUMPED!!
Oh my goodness! I can't wait!
Opened my IMDb app on my iPhone this morning to see this as the top story. Fortunately my gleeful reaction was not witnessed by anyone! SO EXCITED!
My guess is that Walden is out (and hopefully agreed to drop the 7 year moratorium as a goodwill gesture) and that they will get Fox or another studio to distribute. I think they should be able to convince one of the studios to do this as long as they don't have to commit much financially.
Oops… I meant to say they'll probably get Andy Serkis to do the motion capture to play "Gollum-puddle".
Too right! Silver Chair does have a real romance, ie Caspian and his poor killed Queen. So no fake ones. Who is going to play the Lady of the Green Kirtle, though?