New Narnia Hardcover Editions and Board Books Coming in 2025

Image from official Narnia Instagram

After two days of teasing an announcement on Narnia’s official Facebook and Instagram accounts, HarperCollins has revealed a new wave of Chronicles of Narnia releases coming in 2025—including new hardcover editions of all seven books and two Narnia-themed board books.

A short video with the artist, Owen Richardson, was also shared on the official Facebook page.

Returning to Narnia has been a particular joy because I’ve been able to go back and study and reread the books with kind of different eyes and different purpose. One of the things that’s so wonderful about each of The Chronicles of Narnia, each book has its own distinct flavor and locale, its own atmosphere, its own purpose. It’s almost like C.S. Lewis was telling me what he wanted done.

Owen Richardson

The video included full versions of the covers (Prince Caspian did not appear):

All seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia will be re-released in hardcover on April 15, 2025, featuring brand-new cover designs.

For younger readers, two new board books—World of Narnia: Animals and World of Narnia: A Counting Book—are set to release on July 29, 2025, featuring artwork by Joey Chou, who previously worked on a board book adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2021.

Beyond Narnia, HarperCollins is also releasing a “deluxe edition” of Mere Christianity and new audiobooks of C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy, including a full-cast BBC audio adaptation of That Hideous Strength which will release this spring.

What do you think of the new Narnia covers? Let us know in the comments!

23 Responses

  1. Prince Norin says:

    Oooh. Based on the graphic, will these be released in original publication order? That would be the first time in a while that HarperCollins has done that!

  2. Icarus says:

    I love these covers! They are so full of life and energy! If I was a child I’d just be dying to pick them up and read them.

    I love also how the individual colour pallettes for each book gives them their own unique style.

  3. Forrest says:

    Ah yes, Lucy and her sword. Classic!
    In all sincerity the Horse and His Boy cover is pretty epic. The Magician’s Nephew cover is also a cool concept, flying through the magic rings trying to escape Jadis.
    I’m sure these will all invite new readers into Narnia.

  4. Taylor says:

    This is so cool!! Amazing Book Covers!! I love them all. Obviously the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe cover is my favorite.

  5. Impending Doom says:

    I’m more excited for those board books, Joey Chou’s style is lovely!

  6. Bartosz Jaczewski says:

    Honestly, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, these covers are beautiful and breathtaking, but on the other hand, they go into the common style of fantasy covers, where there is nothing extraordinary anymore, because everything is done in one style.

  7. A sign were getting closer

  8. This feels super Nostalgic

  9. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    These look really nice! There seem to be a circle theme with the VDT and MN covers. Almost wish Aslan was featured in all of them.

  10. Mike says:

    Is LWW first?!! Have they FINALLY gone back to the ORIGINAL PUBLISHED ORDER? PLEASE say YES!!!!

  11. Fireberry says:

    Generic fantasy art. Why so violent? No sehnsucht, no beauty, no “Narnia feeling”.

  12. Will says:

    These have a very Netflix feel. Disappointed the White Witch doesn’t have black hair like in the books.

  13. blueravens says:

    Don’t quite get the hate these are getting online, I think they’re mostly okay! There’s way to much going on in The Last Battle for my liking.

  14. Moonwood the hare says:

    I like that they are in publication order, that’s great! The graphics are not really my style personally, but at least they seem relevant to the stories. (Personally, I’d prefer something more like the designs by Karl James Mountford, but I guess that’s a question of taste). Also, being into typography, I find design of the title a bit out-dated (isn’t that the font they used for the Walden movies, and it’s like 20 years old?? Why didn’t they come up with something a bit more fresh? This way, it just reminds me a lot of the Walden movies and it would make more sense at this point to do something more neutral, considering that this will feel VERY outdated the moment everyone is used to the Netflix design).

  15. Forrest says:

    Wait, how did I miss the part about a full-cast BBC audio adaptation of That Hideous Strength? That’s amazing news. THS does have a surplus of characters; probably Lewis’s most populated book. Perfect for a full-cast performance.

  16. WhiteStag says:

    Sadly, I agree with @Fireberry. They seem pretty dated and unimaginative designs to me, ones that aren’t very reflective of the stories.

  17. Marden says:

    Honestly, I’m more excited to listen to the full-cast audiobook of That Hideous Strength. I agree with many here in that these covers are not totally bad but they do feel mostly generic. Like, The Silver Chair… we have seen that cover before. Hopefully new readers will find these covers exciting though.

  18. Lucy Helen Ycul says:

    If I didn’t have the series already I’d definitely get it. The artwork is awesome. I’m thinking about getting the board books for my daughters. I hope they’ll be excited to read them as I am.

  19. I really do like seeing those covers displayed in Publication Order! ❤️

  20. Gabrielle says:

    THESE COVERS ARE CRAZILY GOOD ! I have been like OBSESSED, ever since I laid eyes on these covers ! They are all uniquely beautiful !

  21. Grace says:

    Chronicles of Narnia is my world! It’s been a part of my life, although I am just 16 year old now. The beautiful Imageries with Western Culture and Depiction our Beloved Lord leaves me completely Overwhelmed.
    The new covers are truly fantastic, bring made more specific to each parts.
    I am so thankful to be inspired by such Editors.
    Thank you MR.Owen Richardson!

    A Nature Loving Girl, also in love with Western Culture!

  22. Reepicheep775 says:

    Looks like I have seven new desktop wallpapers.

  23. commonlogic says:

    A little late to this story, but I think the covers are mostly good. Nothing spectacular but I’ll probably pick up a set this Christmas if I see them in stores!